
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summertime Fun!

As you probably realize by now, I like good birthday parties quite a bit. I happened across two sites--both are full of goodness (the sugary kind for the first and the fun, fun, fun kind for the second--ok, and it has a sort of circusy feel to it's opening page. Do you speak French? I don't, but apparently they do!)

As you may also have noticed, there has been a dearth of posting here lately. My job has started consuming more of my time lately, though in a very fulfilling sort of way. I'm running a summer program for youth--for instance we tie dyed shirts today. Thirty at least. Maybe more. I'll have to count tomorrow. In case you've been wanting to tie dye (or never have? or have a lot in the distant past) may I point out to you the beautiful things called Tie Dye Kits available at Walmart/craft stores? No cooking, no stirring, just fill up the squeeze bottles with water and dye your shirt! Easy peasy.And those spiral types: SO EASY.  Who knew.  I thought they took a lot of time and effort--they don't.

As a part of the summer program, I made up some flyers--do you mind if I show them off to you here? (I'm going to, so if you don't want to see them, exit now!)  And then, if I can get my show on the road I will put up a summer funtime blog so you can do the same activities we're doing.  (I know; I know.  A lot of say so and not a lot of do so. I'm getting to it.)

Anyone feel like helping me bake a million and one cookies for the cookie decorating class this Thursday?  Any ideas for how to decorate them?  I think I'll just make little gingerbread man shaped sugar cookies and let the children go to work on them unless some other great idea comes along.


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