
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Piano for Old People (and a few thoughts on trying to stay true to what you believe)

When I was younger my mom put me in piano lessons, and like my violin lessons, I only half- heartedly tried to do well, an attitude I regret a little now.  But! Not to be held back by my lack of enthusiasm in the past, I've decided now is as good a time as any to rally my energies.  So I've picked a few songs and practiced as many times a week as I can.  To encourage myself, I set up this prize: If I practice at least 15 mins. three times a week for two months, I can buy any one piece of sheet music I want at the end of the second month.

I realize that is a meager amount of practice time--but I'm going from no practice time to practice time, so I thought slow and steady (and realistic) was best.  I'm proud to say, though, that I've practiced much more than a mere 45 mins a week almost every week so far.  The piano is addicting, I tell you.

As part of my deal with myself, I've been practicing a hymn or two from church, so my newly developing skilz don't go to waste when it comes to serving in church.  So when I saw this sheet music in this month's youth magazine (from church) I took it with me to see if I liked the song.

I love the song, or rather, the message of the song.  You'll notice that it starts out with music from the hymn Come, Come Ye Saints--and that was one of the selling points for me.  I love the idea that anyone who is trying to live a moral code of values is engaged in a struggle not unlike our pioneer anscestors--though our conflict is more subtle in nature, it takes the same kind of dedication, fortitude, will-power and faith.

And anyone who has tried to live a code of values different from the norm knows what I mean when I say it is a struggle or conflict.  It isn't easy to be the only person at a social gathering, or at work, or anywhere, really, who believes something different from everyone else.  Especially when the thing you believe puts you in the position of having to say what you believe (which almost always means a high likelihood of  being ridiculed, or having to defend yourself---or at the very least having to find a way to tactfully remove yourself from the situation).  It certainly isn't a comfortable place to find yourself in.

So, I think the message of this song is a perfect rally cry for youth everywhere who are trying to hold true to their moral beliefs.  Actually, it's also a perfect rally cry even for this one older person who is trying to learn to play the piano.

1 comment:

jendoop said...

I love this song. I first heard it in a meeting with 3 youth, one of which was my daughter. Where we live there are very few members so seeing the girl standing in the middle of NYC (very near us) singing this song made me feel like that's what my daughter is doing. (Metaphorically of course, she'd rather DIE than sing in public.)

And for the record, yes, I cried.